Advertising Agencies Long Island Can Focus On Game Content

By Rob Sutter

While it could be argued that video game clips on YouTube were a niche aspect at one time, it seems as though they have ballooned tremendously. Commentators have been able to provide content to their fans, whether it was through offering information or providing humor. Advertising agencies Long Island know all about how important it is for these videos to be created but it seems like there may be roadblocks that can hinder such progress. What is it that can be said about the restrictions placed recently?

YouTube has seemingly brought its attention onto channels heavily focused on the idea of video games. It's unfortunate because, for so long, these creators have been able to bring their videos to the surface and not have to worry about them being taken down; the fair use clause was set in place, after all. In fact, not only do these filmmakers benefit from attracting large audiences because of their own but game companies are able to benefit from, to put it simply, publicity that costs them nothing.

That being said, why is it that YouTube has sent out a number of copyright notices rather recently? It is very possible - according to an article on Forbes - that YouTube in general is trying to protect itself in case these game companies decide to target them for copyright reasons. As a result, the video creators suffer and the fact that there are many who actually make their livings off of this is, to say the least, a problem. Fans became outraged because of this news, as advertising agencies Long Island can tell you.

It's easy to say that these smaller filmmakers do not have any right to the original content that these game publishers brought to the surface to begin with. However, I always felt like these companies allowing their content to be utilized was an act of good will towards the fans, which advertising agencies Long Island can focus on as well. As a result, what does this news do to the fans in question? Firms like fishbat can probably predict that the good will built before will fade away.

It's troubling to see the backlash that occurred as a result of the copyright issues on YouTube's part. It's an fact that I have a hard time supporting, especially when there are so many people who have grown irate at this. What happens if they try to upload a video with their own commentary set over it, only to receive a message from a company as said video has been taken down? If anything, this could actually lead to fewer game sales seem over time.

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