Some Suggestions In Addressing Disputes Within Partnerships

By Coleen Torres

Arguments are common in any kind of relationship. It is damaging for partnerships if not promptly addressed. It is ideal to discuss such matters behind closed doors to prevent others from intervening. They can only add to the frustration. It can even result in a great loss.

Conduct an intensive investigation to determine its roots. Gather related facts to avoid misrepresentation. Stay away from hearsay to attain credible evidences. Review facts thoroughly to extract the real story. Finding the real cause will be helpful in attaining the best solution.

Hire a stenographer or use a recorder to take down the minutes of the meeting. This is helpful to prevent missing some important factors that might affect the resolution. Note that an effective agreement aims to benefit many once implemented. Document hard copies and index properly. This might happen again. Having such document will avert you from undergoing the same process.

Consult this matter with a lawyer. Make sure every detail is legal. You do not necessarily need to file a case to get such service. It is a matter of safeguarding your investment. Reality the love of money can change people. Seeking assurance is appropriate to ensure that you will reap the rewards of your labor someday.

Mandate your partners to proactively run the venture with you. You do not need to shoulder operations alone. However avoid being bossy. Ask them politely to monitor operations, make observations and call your attention whenever anomalies occur. Segregating the task is more effective in maintaining a good working relationship within the company. Giving them a responsibility will inspire them to do better. Remind them you are a team. The fate of your venture lies in your hands.

Learn to handle critiques professionally. There will be instances that will require you to compromise your ideas to avoid misunderstandings. Be cautious that these folks are hard to please so expect some to seek legal action when dissatisfied. Patiently converse with them to determine their motives. Decline politely if you feel that it is inappropriate. Make a suggestion but do not impose. Demanding might only aggravate the scenario. Never stop suggesting until both parties are satisfied.

Treat your business partners equally. Remember brainstorming is very different from having arguments. Squabbles is not helpful in solving the indifference. Be open to creative suggestions. You will be amazed with the results. Such practice invokes trust and loyalty that are vital in overcoming challenges and keeping the company intact.

Having partners is a blessing. You accomplish more tasks when you have someone who can share the load. Do not allow differences to tear such tie-up. Always remind each other of your goals. This will keep you on track. Figure out a way to implement ideas together without fighting. This will protect your investment and keep the friendship alive.

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