A Condensed Chronicle Of Mineral Eyeshadow

By Haywood Hunter

Women, and some men, have been using make-up and other cosmetics to define their facial features, especially the eyes, and to improve their appearance for thousands of years. Evidence of this comes from the Bible and from Egyptian burials as far back as 10,000 BC. Mineral eyeshadow is placed on the upper eyelid to provide both depth and color.

The Egyptians, as do women all over the world today, employed a black powdery substance known then, as now, as kohl. It was used to define the shape of the eyes, fend off infections of the eye, improve vision and dampen glare from the bright sunlight on the sands. Then, kohl was made from antimony, copper, malachite, ochre, ash and burnt almonds.

Between 800 and 700 years BC, the Greeks had a substance called 'fucus', which they made from lapis luzuli and malachite, crushed and powdered to produce vivid blue and green eye shadows. This and other cosmetics at the time formed a significant part of the Greek economy.

With the expansion of the Roman Empire, the Romans eventually encountered the Iranian population. At that time, the Iranians used kohl in the same way as did the Egyptians, to fend off the evil eye. The irreverent Romans adapted the Egyptian oils that were used for sacred ceremonies and adapted them for sexual rituals. With time, the Romans discovered medicinal uses for the oils.

Bronze Age India left evidence that kohl was employed by people of all ages, including young infants, to repel not only the evil eye, but bacteria and glare as well. This practice spread to Morocco and all over Africa. The substance they used then was derived from antimony and lead. History does not record how many people went blind or died from the poisonous heavy metals, but today's kohl is completely safe.

Mineral eyeshadow today comes in a dizzying array of different shades. If there is a colored mineral, it can be crushed, made into powder and pressed into packaging for cosmetic use. The powder may be used as it comes, dry, or moistened with sterile water to produce more vibrant shades.

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