There isn't an online marketer who doesn't need a blog. Some marketers choose to run their blog concurrently with a site they use to promote and sell other products. Some marketers, however, choose to create and run their blogs on separate websites. You likely already realize how vital it is to have a blog of your own, no matter which option you pick. Blogs are vital for positioning yourself as an expert within your sector, creating and strengthening relationships and building your brand. They can also provide additional money.
Besides other advertising you have posted on your site, you can also throw up some ads for products you created. You will be selling more of the products you own this way. Sure you might want to create posts that highlight these products and services from time to time-that's only natural. Whether or not you are opting to feature something on a particular day, by having advertising in your sidebar you have a good chance of making a sale every time someone comes to visit your site. This will also attract more advertisers because they will believe someone has paid for that space so it must be worth purchasing. Instead of selling someone else's product, sell your own. There are websites such as CafePress and Zazzle where you can sell items like notepads, magnets and notepads. Think about placing the name of your blog on a couple of t-shirts or notepads. Locate a eye catching picture and have it printed on a coffee mug. You get a percentage of every sale you make and having products out there with your blog name and your work on it can help spread the word about your site. It is a good thing because you make money and get traffic for your site. This is a very good thing for everyone.
You can also monetize the RSS feed of your blog. If your blog doesn't have an RSS feed set up then that's something you need to take care of. Due to convenience and excellent portability across a number of devices, most people utilize RSS readers to follow blog updates. Some of the larger advertising agencies have RSS monetization and have been providing this option for quite a while.
Create an area for paid members on your blog. People will have to pay a monthly fee to become subscribers so they can see what you are offering in the private area. You don't have to update the paid membership area all the time-just regularly enough to make it worth your asking price. It is essential that your members cannot obtain what you are offering in the private area at no cost in any other place.
Blogging is wonderful even if you are not an IM'er. If you have a blog, you can use it to promote your company and get more customers, since you are already knowledgeable about internet marketing.
Blog monetization is an excellent strategy to make some extra cash. There are people who have found such success with monetizing their blogs they no longer need to do anything else to earn cash. If you are like most people, though, it's likely you will only be generating a little additional cash that will only be a supplement to your larger projects. On the other hand, every little bit extra is important, isn't it?
Besides other advertising you have posted on your site, you can also throw up some ads for products you created. You will be selling more of the products you own this way. Sure you might want to create posts that highlight these products and services from time to time-that's only natural. Whether or not you are opting to feature something on a particular day, by having advertising in your sidebar you have a good chance of making a sale every time someone comes to visit your site. This will also attract more advertisers because they will believe someone has paid for that space so it must be worth purchasing. Instead of selling someone else's product, sell your own. There are websites such as CafePress and Zazzle where you can sell items like notepads, magnets and notepads. Think about placing the name of your blog on a couple of t-shirts or notepads. Locate a eye catching picture and have it printed on a coffee mug. You get a percentage of every sale you make and having products out there with your blog name and your work on it can help spread the word about your site. It is a good thing because you make money and get traffic for your site. This is a very good thing for everyone.
You can also monetize the RSS feed of your blog. If your blog doesn't have an RSS feed set up then that's something you need to take care of. Due to convenience and excellent portability across a number of devices, most people utilize RSS readers to follow blog updates. Some of the larger advertising agencies have RSS monetization and have been providing this option for quite a while.
Create an area for paid members on your blog. People will have to pay a monthly fee to become subscribers so they can see what you are offering in the private area. You don't have to update the paid membership area all the time-just regularly enough to make it worth your asking price. It is essential that your members cannot obtain what you are offering in the private area at no cost in any other place.
Blogging is wonderful even if you are not an IM'er. If you have a blog, you can use it to promote your company and get more customers, since you are already knowledgeable about internet marketing.
Blog monetization is an excellent strategy to make some extra cash. There are people who have found such success with monetizing their blogs they no longer need to do anything else to earn cash. If you are like most people, though, it's likely you will only be generating a little additional cash that will only be a supplement to your larger projects. On the other hand, every little bit extra is important, isn't it?
About the Author:
Bob Steele is a well-known blogger who writes informative articles on different topics such as marketing, online business, home business, network marketing etc. Checkout his article on mlm training and on MLM success
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