Three Effortless And Quick Suggestions To Grow Your Facebook Fan Base

By Wilson Resturbee

Facebook is going to be in existence for a very long time. We thought it might be a fad but it turns out that it has real staying power. This has had Internet Marketers racing to set up accounts and pages on it for quite a while. Thankfully, there doesn't seem to be a shortage of space available on the network.

It won't be enough to just have an account or a fan page though. If you want to build your business with the help of your fan page then you are going to have to get people to come to it and give you a "like." So, how does one go about doing that? You follow the instructions in the following paragraphs!

Every personal profile you have should include the address of your Facebook fa page. Make sure to include your page, no matter what the profile is on, whether it's a personal message service, a forum or a site for professionals.

Organize a competition. This can be dicey because Facebook changed their promotional guidelines a while ago. So you don't accidentally break the rules, make sure you read them properly. Facebook is pretty strict about running a competition on their platform, which usually requires plenty of funds spent on ads, but you can usually advise people to give you a "like" for a contest you are running on your own site. People adore competitions. This is a great way to get "likes"!

If you connect your Facebook and Twitter, you'll be able to update both systems at the same time so whatever you post on Twitter will appear on Facebook and vice versa. This way everyone on Twitter will know you have a Facebook page and will be tempted to have a look at it and become fans. Another interesting aspect is the number of characters. If your post on Facebook is longer than 140 characters, people following you on Twitter will have to click and go to your Facebook page to read the post. People will want to know what you are doing, especially if your posts are good quality, which means they will give you a like, making it an excellent way to generate traffic.

There are many ways to increase your popularity on Facebook. Your sites and emails can feature the link. You can organize competitions. You can make sure your page gets publicized. Imagination is the key to success. Putting up the page won't suffice. You have to do a lot of work to make sure it deserves to be "liked" and once you've done that it won't take long before you can take advantage of your Facebook popularity to increase your sales.

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