Why High Conversion Graphic Design Is Essential

By Bill Feeburg

A large number of graphic design professionals, commercial artists and website designers highlight the appearance, features and also the layout of their jobs when presenting themselves to prospective customers. Although artistry, ease of navigation and total appearance are vital, designers and their clients should also consider the conversion rates of the content and graphics.

If the end goal is for a particular logo, design, website or infographic to attract more customers and increase the amount of money a given business is making, designers who create high conversion graphics should be in high demand.

What Does "High Conversion" Mean, Anyway? To understand the significance of a high conversion graphic, you must first know what conversion rates are.

The term "conversion rate," when used in Internet marketing, refers to the percentage of clicks a given online ad, picture, random link or other bit of copy or artwork representing a particular business generates. Broken down more simply, it really means the percentage of people who see this copy or graphic online and then go directly to the business's website or another page designated by the business. In the case of web design, a conversion rate typically measures the percentage of people who purchase something from a site relative to the amount of visitors it receives.

To local business owners, conversion is the crux of their trade. Internet marketers know this, but not all graphic designers are aware of this fact. Conversion rates compute the percentage of individuals who are exposed to a link, logo or any other thing representing a business, then take immediate action due to this exposure. Although it is necessary to have appealing images and easily navigable websites, the most important thing is to work towards increasing the conversion rate of whatever services you are promoting.

When businesses search for good graphic design, they usually want one that relates to what they do or projects a particular mood to potential customers. It is sensible to emphasize these aspects but more emphasis should be placed on conversion rates.

When you want to make your projections, you have to understand that it is not possible to know in advance what the conversion rate will be. However, you can obtain information about conversion rates for general graphic design categories. Research findings show that emotional images are very effective when you want viewers to take action based on what they see.

It's also possible to do a certain amount of research on the conversion rates of particular designs. A business could try out a potential new ad or web image via email first and look at the amount of traffic it brings in. It can also ask any potential graphic designer it's considering working with to provide information about the conversion rates of logos, graphics or other web pages he or she has created in the past.

Looking at past or potential conversion rates when deciding on a graphic designer can help businesses to get an edge in both offline and online marketing. Aesthetically pleasing designs and pages that look like a million dollars can do a lot to raise the credibility and reputation of a business. However, for a business to stay viable, their sites, designs and content must turn viewers and readers into actual customers.

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